I was only covering those that had to be at work. I knew you were good. And you are in the inner circle of boobs
I am. I had the values all filled in, logged into paypal already and only needed to hit submit. But then I actually had a work instant message hit me right at 1:58. I answered thinking I had until 2. Turned around and there was the thread. Oh well. Last year Darins punishment for being 1st was he had to spoon with Brent in the net. Hopefully you two get along, otherwise that would be very uncomfortable lol Keep in mind we went to week 8 before you did We just haven't been back since we found Octoberbreast ha
51 Deposits received. We are confirmed to run the cruise. We will sell up to 70 spaces online. Still space left! Deposits received from: CaptMorgan (4) jen&Kyle (2) $parkie7 (2) lexi123 (2) Nikki&Ira (2) Ksujason (2) Matt_Diana (2) Ken and Ann Marie (2) mike&mel2014 (2) T & A (2) CnP Boca (2) Darin & Melissa (8) Tina-Andy (2) FloridaToCancun (2) Elteegilbreath (3) lens300 (2) marilyn&steve (2) Rebelboynash (2) md/kj (2) jenandtodd (2) brewcrew (2)
I almost bought 67 spots as a joke. That would of been funny to see jen&kyle (67) on the list. But then I realized that might piss some people off and Steve is already mad at me since he doesn't like boobs. Just kidding steve, just kidding. See you in a month!