Well, it's getting close! Safe travels to everyone leaving in the next few days. We'lre jealous....but only 3 more night shifts to go after tonight, and we'll be there Tuesday around noon. Make sure y'all save some party for us!! :lotsofmichaelfs:
Four more hours of work for me. Thank goodness I'm exhausted and hopefully can get some rest before we meet everyone down there again! See you guys Tuesday!
Happy, happy, happy, happy perfect wedding wishes :daveandmo: Hope your wedding day is absolutely PERFECT! Can't wait to toast to you and Rudy when you arrive on Tuesday! CONGRATS!!!
I'm doing much better today!!! On schedule for take off Super Stoked!!! 1 1/2 more sleeps and we leave for the airport!!! :xyxthumbs: Good to go....
Gary is SOOOO excited to get to TTR! He kept walking into whatever room I was in saying, "you know? 60 hours from now and you'll be wearing that Red Dress at the Pool Party!!!", "you know? 56 hours from now we'll be in the Sexy Pool!!!". Carla: "I know" :aetsch004: ...and I swear....while I was putting on my make up he was saying "you know what I'm going to do with you sitting in my lap at Patty O's in that Red Dress?_______________(fill in the blank). Carla: O....K.... Gary: Circling around through the hallway into the Master Bedroom and back to the master bath..."and ...know what else I'm going to do while we're at Patty O's and your in that Sexy Red Dress (Commando)? ___________________________(fill in the blank) Carla: O....K.....:icon_eek: Gary: Repeat above getting more daring with his emboldened boundary pushing fantasies (of course I WILL give him his fantasies...right girls)........:icon_eek: Carla: O.K. but I get to pick who all gets to see that!!!:blueshock: CAN'T WAIT...I THINK GARY IS COMING OUT OF HIS SHELL.:clappyinghappy: