Stay at Golden

Discussion in 'Golden Parnassus Forum' started by Floating Holiday, Aug 14, 2014.

  1. Floating Holiday

    Floating Holiday Enthusiast Registered Member

    Oct 24, 2013
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    We recently returned from a 5 night stay at the Golden. In summary, it has a Very nice beach area, decent rooms, ok food (were not foodies, people that go for the food would probably be disappointed), and disappointing nightlife, and awesome staff and bartenders. We very much enjoyed our stay here. It's adults only which was very nice and we can easily entertain ourselves. But there isn't much adult sexy vibe going on here. Pool games were fun to watch but they were like "who can swim under water the farthest". Nightlife was pretty limited as well. Tikki bar would have about 20 people around it most nights. The bar inside was hit and miss. Durring the week there was maybe 4-6 people in there. On the weekends it picked up and there were about 20-30. As for Topless? She went topless a few times and was the only one over the 5 days we were there. We enjoyed our stay, but this forum seems to concentrate on TTR, And now Desire and SENS. You can't remotely compare the Golden to those resorts in the way of "adult sexy themed" resorts so I'm confused on why cancuncare would have it listed. If you want a nice smaller resort that doesn't have kids, then this is a good place to stay. If you want luxury or awesome restaurants or a sexy vibe, look elsewhere.
  2. MinnesotaWoman

    MinnesotaWoman Enthusiast Registered Member

    Jul 6, 2008
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    You decribed it pretty well! I think it may get a little wilder at the Tiki Bar, if the right crowd is there --- but during the day, it is pretty much a normal adult only resort, just a little more dated, with a slightly older crowd than most.

    I do really like the Golden. Everything is decent, the beach is great, and there is no kids. I like the restaurants, espeically the Japanese and Old Barn. (I think I ate lunch too many times at Pier 12, and it just got old) I like the Breeze snack bar too. I love the hammock area, and they usually bring out a book cart - yay!
    But yeah -- if you want something with more daytime partying and excitement, you really don't get that here, for the most part, unless you hang around the Tiki day and night. (which some people do, LOL)

    I am trying Sens in October. I'm not at all sure that will be any more exciting, but it will be a change of scenery, as we've been to the Golden twice, and TTR twice.
    I am one of those 50 years olds who like to pretend they are young, when I'm on vacation, LOL. I just don't see the point of fancy and stuffy resorts on vacation --- I want to have fun! It doesn't necessarily have to have the sexy vibe, but hey, that doesn't hurt.
    I am really hoping that Sens is going to be good for us. We'll have a great trip, regardless, but it would be nice if the resort ranked up there with fun resorts.
  3. breezesfan

    breezesfan Guru Registered Member

    Aug 28, 2012
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    Totally agree with the above posts. From reading several posts and reviews, we had formed the opinion that GP was kinda like a "lite" version of Temptations.

    Not what we encountered while actually at the resort. NO sexy/flirty vibe whatsoever. A bit disappointing maybe. Assuming that there would be several topless gals around the pool, we actually never saw even one !!! Tikki BAr was a lot of fun, but not in a Temptations fashion.

    Nothing even close to PattyOS !!! We really missed that !!!

    A great resort, but very quiet !!! It was even milder than our trip to GOV last Nov. Also curious about Oasis Sens.

    MAybe GP gets its party rep from its days as Jack Tarr ??? Or maybe just a different crowd?
  4. Popatop

    Popatop Enthusiast Registered Member

    Apr 30, 2011
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    I think it depends on what you are looking for. The Golden has never been presented as an adult "sexy" place. While it is fine to go topless, it is not the standard.
    Most of the guest at the Golden have been there numerous times and return for the staff and to renew the friendships that naturally happen at a resort of this size. We will make our 10th trip to GP next month and I doubt we will find any surprises. I expect the crowd to be mostly 40-60 yr olds with a mix of honeymooners and younger couples. It is the perfect mix and everyone is willing to chat while enjoying the day.
    There are the occasional groups who tend to over drink and get loud and obnoxious, but that happens at all resorts. Those are the folks you "buy" several shots for and they will be in bed shortly.
    The Golden is the only resort I have been to in Cancun. Loved it the 1st time and see no need to explore any others. Some of the staff have become "family" and we return often just to see them.
    Like some others have said, this may or may not be the place for you. It suits me just fine.
  5. Floating Holiday

    Floating Holiday Enthusiast Registered Member

    Oct 24, 2013
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    Sounds like you really like it there. We also really enjoyed our stay. BUT as someone else posted we thought it was a "soft Temptation" adult only sexy theme type of resort. Which it is clearly not. It's just a typical "no kids" type of resort that can be found anywhere.
  6. vacationfun2

    vacationfun2 I can choose my own title Registered Member

    Mar 13, 2007
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    Your review is spot on. We thought most of he food was very good. We have been there several times and each stay has been much different pertaining to the vibe. Thank again.
  7. breezesfan

    breezesfan Guru Registered Member

    Aug 28, 2012
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    So, does GP have a "sexy" Temptation like atmosphere at certain times??? Maybe we just missed out and came during a mild time ??? We are going back in OCt, maybe it will be a bit wilder?
  8. Restling

    Restling I can choose my own title Registered Member

    Dec 30, 2012
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    We are going 11/28-12/3, unless you're locked into that date.
  9. breezesfan

    breezesfan Guru Registered Member

    Aug 28, 2012
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    My wife is a school teacher and that is her fall break.
  10. vacationfun2

    vacationfun2 I can choose my own title Registered Member

    Mar 13, 2007
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    We have experienced everything from no topless to wild times in the hot tub until almost sunrise. Most of the time just a few body shots at the tiki bar etc...
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