Amen! I read somewhere else on either here or the CS site someone's complaint that Schoolgirl Night was boring with so many women dressed the same. A room full of sexy women dressed in short skirts, tight white tops getting more transparent with every song, nip slips everywhere, heels of various description, and many sporting the very best kind of wardrobe malfunction. Seriously, on what planet would that be considered an unwelcome sight? Now, bend over young lady!
can't wait to see my wife in naughty school girl!! 8 month to go!!! I'm sure lot of good memory will be made in TTR:lotsofmichaelfs:
To be honest I can't stand it. Been doing it for too many years. The first time is fun.. the next dozen, meh, not so much. Feels kinda weird being my age and dressing in a slutty version of a Catholic high school girls uniform. Just my opinion. But most of us girls who have been doing theme nights for years, at resorts or parties, just think it's over played. I like to change shit up. There are tons of themes to pick from.