My choice would be Negril Jamaica , as long as they keep the Mexican Staff ( my fantasy wish). Close second would be Punta Cana DR
Not really. It's not allowed. We have ones that kinda ACT like it, but you pay a 'membership' fee and then a per diem fee. But it feels like one b/c you have to drink like $200 dollars worth that comes of fa 'tab' per day. It's not TTR but I think in the US it's as close as you will come. Tampa Resort - Caliente Club & Resorts Beat me to it. I answered the Key West bc I thought this was all hypothetical/Dream situation. Yeah for you, Cabo is our Cancun. Puerto Vallarta would definitely be a good location for TTR. Except for us it's like 5 hours flight and 2 hours time change. lol
If it's going to be in the northern US southern Canada you would have to have somewhere that's an indoor water park. With opaque windows of course. Maybe even somewhere that's a little obscure off the beaten path so north central Indiana?? Or maybe somewhere like North Central Ohio. If it's going to be in the north is going to have to be something they can operate 24 /7 365. Therefore the indoor is the only way to have it. As far as the booze goes maybe its a BYOB with a bottle fee to cover their expenses? As hard as it is to believe some people come to TTR more for food and fun and not as much for the drinks . Not to mention the ambiance of the area . Lol
Ibiza If it was in Ibiza I could manage it .......... x:lotsofmichaelfs: I WOULD BE THE ONLY SECURITY LOL..WHERE IS MY WHIP???
NO I veto the indoor idea and the Indiana/Michigan area lol! MUST. HAVE. PALMTREES Key West or Bust! :beer4:
There is one in the US. It's called "Steve's Bar and Grill". You can drink as much as you want there, and it is also top optional. Body shots often happen on the 8 foot island in my kitchen. We had two slip and slides 4th of July weekend. Sometimes food is nicely prepared and served, and sometimes you cook it your freaking self. It is right outside of my backyard. All are welcome! Seriously though somewhere on the other side of Mexico, like Puerto Vallarta, would be sweet.
We used to live in the Bay Area also (San Jose and Los Gatos) and am very happy that we now live in the DFW area and the flight for us to TTR is only 2.5 hrs and no time change. We totally adore the bay area, but ended up moving to TX because it is cheaper.