My daughters and I were in NJ at a tiki style restaurant/bar when I overhead people talking about the sexy pool and later on at the bar - seeing a man dressed as the gimp and his wife holding his leash, so of course I said to myself, they are talking about TTR. I got excited and was curious about their trip but I was with my young daughters so kinda stuck when a Mom at another table asked them to lower their voices but she was interested in what they were talking about ... was my cue to join in and say hey TTR is an awesome place and she should go with her husband. Before I left I mentioned ccc so if they read this - 'Hi' if not oh well. But it was a cool experience to hear people talking about TTR outside the norm Ox
We did the same. We overheard a motorcycle couple talking about their trip, sitting behind us at the bar at one of the high tables. We chimed in and joined them and had a great conversation that night. We invited them to come Halloween but they already have other plans. Still, it was funny and outside the norm as you say.
This sounds way too familiar...was that me and russ?? Did they mention anything about a neon pink tutu?!