throwing up in the shower? ha ha ya lost me on that one. hope everyone has a great weekend!! im gonna try!
Lol Kathy I have thrown up in the shower in Cancun and passed out in the shower three times now. Only thrown up once when I thought I was good to go out and started to get ready. Turns out no, it it wasn't a good plan. It's never fun when I pass out in a shower. I wake up so so cold.
10 is doable m! think positive! I believe I have lost a couple more. haven't stood on the scale in about 2 months. not going to either!! as long as the clothes fit looser then I know im losing. just keep watching what I eat, and things should work out. Halloween is getting closer. had a great weekend, hope you all did as well.
It's the time.. I start a week ago a diet it's call Pro energy. High Protein low carbs. Doing well I'm going on the scale tomorrow and I CAN'T WAIT TO SEE what she will tell me ! So far, been really easy, I eat less, sleeping better and more energy during the day. I'll give you news tomorrow Watch me for Temptation 2015
way to go guys!!! bought some cute leather shorts yesterday. they fit but not good enough so guess that's my new challenge!! cute top also!!