So far we have received 36 deposits and are confirmed to go ahead. Plenty more space, our maximum is 70. Deposits received from: Debbie & Rey (2) Ryan and Tracie (2) Vic&Chantelle (2) Cobr021 (2) MichiganJohnsons (2) Chilli79 (1) Dennisva (1) logienumber9 (2) Keemalia (1) Lamuraz67 (2) ryanamien (2) K&E (2) Howard & Dan (2) CanadianKate (1) Tom K (2) the_tempted (4) RobNYuliya (2) Bcfotog (2) Chadandjonna (2)
:cry: Really disappointed ! I just recieved my confirmation email and it says it's a booZe cruise... I thought it was a Boobs Cruise ?!?!!? :beer4:
As long as you followed the link provided on this thread - you should have no issues!! You will see much :flash: age' (booBs) and drink up many'a glasses of :ernaehrung005booZe), so not to worry yourself ... LOL - it's a duality party boat /w much much much more to offer - haha!!!! PS. Did you follow this thread and pay your deposit?? Because there are 2 different cruises that run - 1 is a BooZe Cruise and then Steve's Boobs Cruise in which case just get a refund and go thru the link here to pay your deposit and on the 21st meet at Paty'Os for 10am for sign up where we pay in full and receive our Orange CCC wrist bands and head to board the Boat ... woo woo!!!
Well, if he paid through paypal acct. he would get email confirmation - so we will have to see ... can't remember what ours read lol - I don't think it identified either way tho. Hope he's on the correct cruise - if not I am sure he'll be able to get a quick refund and pull a switch - there still plenty of room and time ... see you all soon - we fly out Friday and cannot wait to meet you guys!!!
On a side note : i love work now!!! How cool is it sitting on a conference call on my iphone chatting about my vacation in Two weeks instead of just listening to the blah blah blah