Hi all, This will be our first time to cancun / Temptation. We are from Brisbane in Australia and would love to get to know a few people before we go to have a drink or 10 with at the pool when we arrive. Would also love to know about the theme nights so I can start shopping. Excited and nervous about our first trip as really don't know what to expect so any info would be much appreciated. Look forward to meeting some of u soon Maz and gaz
We will be going for our 1st time also. We will be there from Nov 10th to the 18th. We have had a few people give us some helpful insights on line. Everyone who has responded to us seems very friendly. We're not sure what 'exactly' to expect, but kind of have a pretty good idea. We plan on keeping an open mind, a friendly attitude, and going with the flow! We plan on doing a couple of the theme nights. Especially the sexy red dress & men in black night. Oh yes! The white night! That definitely sounds like 'sheer' fun! Hahaha! We're excited & nervous too. But as everyone says, find your comfort level & go with it! We're taking the advice from some experienced TTR folks. Bring something you probably would not wear at home. Then bring something you NEVER thought you'd wear anywhere. Nobody knows us anyway! Hahaha! This is a new adventure for us!
It appears to be a first timer party theme.... [emoji106] We are excited about the unknown. We have never been to a resort such as this. This site has been extremely informative & helpful ...as well as addicting lol. Counting the days... [emoji267]
It all starts with tequila. Tequila is probably the strongest backbone you'll ever acquire. We've been many times but we always start out at the quiet pool when we get there. (Can't get a seat at the sexy pool anyway.) We check in (rooms not ready) so we head to the quiet pool/bar. Aumatically we do a double shot of tequila with beer chasers. DONE. Follow this example and you will be well on your way to a great vacation. CAUTION: Following this example might lead you to waking up the next day and wondering what happened your first night at TTR. Don't worry, the people you met will be around the sexy pool the next day and will help you regain your memory! LOL
This is an awesome post! You have exactly the right attitude to be a new repeater! I think you're gonna love it! Nikki
Imagine a pool with a MIXED bag of adults around it (All shapes and sizes...with the average being early middle aged) Ladies ...imagine taking your top off ... and no one really notices or cares ...now imagine not taking your top off ... and no one really notices or cares ......translates to "Freedom from being judged like what happens everywhere else you have ever been in your life" You will find a chair...then go to the bar and grab a drink...then head back to your chair checking out the folks as you go (without being obvious of course)...you sit down and spend the next couple hours trying to figure out if folks are just chill ...or truly not taking much notice of you unless you try to interact with them. As you sit there and try to catch the vibe of the place... you will see that some folks and groups will be a bit more active and some will simply be spuds casually watching people or ignoring the whole scene...as the mood strikes. Start with this a base and ramp it up or down from there! Yes there will be the odd jerk floating around ...(both genders)...just like every other resort. But once you settle in and realize that the biggest party is what goes on between your ears with each other.... then you talk to each other and compare notes on what you heard saw and said.... you either jump into some of the silly and sexy goings on... or you don't. Either way ... no one knows you ...and no one really gives a shit. If you make the attempt to socialize ...you will soon find the right group for you ...just like at every other party you have ever been to...the only difference is that different folks will be comfortable with different levels of skin and sin ...lol ....if you have read all this and want to make it easier... just find Jess and Paul !!! make sense? (edit ... make sure you pack some things to participate in the Cancuncare and resort themes...then decide to wear...or not wear depending on your mood and comfort..and who you find to socialize with...but I will tell you that once you take the plunge...you will never go back and thus the TTR hook gets set again and again)
Aww you guys leave the day we arrive. Last year was our first time at TTR. We loved it! It was the best vacation we've ever had, and exactly why we're coming back this year. Meeting people on the forums beforehand is good because you know who to meet up with as soon as you get to TTR
we will be there from 10/31-11/11. fifth time i think they all blur...you will have a blast. it truly is the happiest place on earth no matter what disney says. don't be afraid to meet new people, 99% of them are fantastic.