I started this yestrday. Trying it on a fifth of Canadian Club. Gonna check it next Saturday and hope it turns out
Ive never tried it with CC. Let me know how it goes. If you need more cinnamon taste you can add cinnamon extract. Will Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I537 using Tapatalk
Thanks I will keep the extract idea in mind. I only used one stick in a mickey. Not sure if the ratio is right. Just experimenting but don't want to ruin the CC. Even though it is only a mickey's worth....it would hurt to have to pour it out. I Luv CC. Like turning on an old friend. It was my underaged, get hammered before the concert/dance/bushparty/ skip school and get drunk vice. I thought about buying a cheap crappy whisky to tty this with but couldn't find any Seagrams 5-0. Then decided why waste $$ on plonk.
I understand. In that small of quantity you might want to taste it after 3 days. My favorite is Bulleit bourbon. Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I537 using Tapatalk
All this booze thinking has led me to a brainwave or fart. Should we have a 'HnH drink of the day' and 'HnH shot of the day' each day over Halloween? Say Oct 30 thru Nov 2. Include the drink of the day on theme schedule. Give the bar a heads up a day ahead to stock up on the ingredients Haven't had time to think this thru and may be a dumb idea
I can't find any pics. I wore a black strappy this from yandy, a black mask with feathers and leather boots. Jeff wore a grey dress shirt with a tie with different shades of grey. I got him a name tag that said Christian Grey. It was easy to put together. You guys should do it since the movie should be released soon!