These are the theme night outfits I ordered for this year! My lingerie night outfit My 911 night outfit My Super Hero Night Outfit-changed from Wonder Woman to Super Sexy Cave Woman My Red Dress for Saturday Night White Night Dress Mardi Gras costume I am wearing the same school girl outfit as last year (I'm in the Blue Skirt). Gary is going to wear a Kilt on School Girl Night (like the one Dave's in above), and a Dr. Seymore Bush Lab Coat, T-Shirt and Shorts for 911. Batman Dark Night T-Shirt and Shorts, Tuxedo T-Shirt and Shorts for Red Dress Night,and White Shirt and Shorts works for White night, Mardi Gras T-Shirt and Shorts, and for lingerie Night he agreed to wear Black Boxers with a fake butt showing in the back LOL.
I will probably be repeating my schoolgirl outfit lol... Although I'm not sure if I still have the skirt or if i'll need a new one...
I like your measure, counting in Mondays is a smart move:aktion033: 17 working days left for us....who's counting?
:brick:With 25 days to go the posts seem to be slowing down a bit! Solution...going over to trip reports and get the adrenal pumping again! Just found Kristin and Doug's from last year! Why haven't I gone over there before? Only been on this site for 4 years! LOL
Carla, I'm loving the outfits and your participation!! I need to step outside my comfort zone one of these trips :huh: