little packages everyday two wednesday one thursday one friday three saturday it has to be getting close 27 days:aktion030:
No packages here. Have to use what I have this year. More important things to pay for! Can't wait to see your new outfits though! And you guys of course!
We spent 1:30 mins doing a 30min journey to the shops yesterday to get white shoes, 5 hours, no shoes but new lingerie!!artytime:
Waiting for 1 p.m. Central Standard time US for 9/3/14 Boobs Cruise to open....making for a long morning! Think I'll shop for Mardis Gras Masks and beads. Looked last night at Theme nights and I had forgot to shop for this theme night!
So are these the themes we are definitely going with. Wanna make sure we participate properly and join in the fun each night. And just curious. Mardi Gras night? I am from Louisiana. Are we talking just beads night or what? Anyway looking forward to it all. Can't wait to party with everyone.
Hey everyone in Labor Day crew. Curious to know what everyone is wearing on theme nights. If ya feel like sharing lets hear what you got in all these little packages coming in the mail.
Sorry if there is confusion. I just noticed that BostonMel posted completely different nights so there will definitely be confusion. I'm going off the list I believe Carla posted in this thread which I duplicated a couple days ago reminding everyone. Sometimes when threads get long it's hard to find what we're looking for. Labor Day Crew we need to here which one we're using?