Holy cow!!! Only 28 more days to go. In 4 weeks from now we will be in one of our theme night clothes and partying it up with all you Labor Day freaks. Lol. Can we please make the clocks go faster.
Ok ok put me down for a shorty trip.. Sept 13th-17th.. 4 nights that I WILL Phuck Shit Up!!!! ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!
Thursday sept 11 - lingerie Friday sept 12 - White/Safari Saturday sept 13 - Red... Sunday sept 14 - Cowboy/Cowgirl Monday sept 15 - Naughty SchoolGirl Tuesday sept 16 - Devil/Angels Wednesday sept 17 - Fetish/S & M Thursday sept 18 - lingerie Friday sept 19 - White/Glow Saturday sept 20 - Red Sunday sept 21 - sexy black dress