Funny you should's a few links: My favorite: and...
Grrrrrr!!!! They sell the AIWC in New Mexico and it just so happens that we are a mere 3 hours from the nearest New Mexican town but alas, work, work, work.....damn you mortgage and and such!!!!!! PS you gusy are the!!!! Thank you so much!:mnm: Ill just go ahead and grab my spare liver from the deep freeze and were good to go ;-)
I was originally planning to run just one cruise during the Labor Day period but I think we'll have enough for two. So 31st August has been added to the schedule and will open for deposits on 31st July. Other September dates have been announced and can be found below: September 2014 Boobs Cruise Dates Announcement
yeah but we wanna be cool kids like you guys too... :-( lol! Plus I kinda just want some right now!!!! (PS you guys are awesome!!!!)