No my good man, they do not have good coffee.......their Brazilian coffee rocks my face off!!!!! Its super friggenfantastical.....just sayn ;-)
In 7 days we will have a bigger smile as we will be getting up and heading to the airport. See everyone in 7 days
A weekend and two work days and we're off to TTR... Now we will memorize all the great friends we have made during the vacation foreplay called Cancuncare. This site was so much fun in the build up to our much awaited vacation (50.5 weeks to be exact). See you all soon!!!
Plane lands at 12:47 on the 1st!!! Will be there till the 8th!!! There are 4 of us in our group...I'm Jackie & hubby is Jim (JT) & our friends are Michelle & Carl, see ya all by the pool that afternoon
august 7-10th hello were a young and fun couple, were going 7-10 august, we have just signed up here and dont know how to add our profile pic, any help? were on the lifestyle and going to the november cruise as well, we hope to meet you all there!! anyone going those days? XOXO M and M