I never thought about being drugged so I would be out of the picture and my wife would be available. I'm willing to bet this is what happened (unless someone spiked the water jar to be funny). Luckily we were there with some other friends and they stayed with her the entire night and walked her back to our room. Thank god for having TRUE friends there. I have no doubts it was a drugs and not alcohol. I have been drunk hundreds if not thousands of times in my life and have never felt this way. There are 3 main date rape drugs. One of them makes you loose muscle control and the other makes you black out.
This happened to me (Brian) one night in April at Patty'Os. I had only had a couple of beers so I was not even buzzed. Someone who we knew from the trip brought me a beer and I drank about half of it before I started feeling funny. I told Terresa I needed to go back to the room. I made it half way there and started losing my vision and couldn't walk anymore so I sat down and I passed out cold. Terresa was yelling at me and slapping my face and I don't remember any of it. I woke up after about 20 seconds and made it back to the room but was done for the night. I'm 100% sure that the guy who brought me the beer didn't put anything in it so I suspect maybe the bartender or someone else while he wasn't looking? It was a scary situation, especially for my wife.
You must be very careful. We've learned that you have to be diligent ........ Go get your own drinks!
There was nothing in the water jug, at least the first one behind the bar. We were drinking water all night from 9-2am.
I'll throw my 2 cents in...few ppl I know from texas said its common down there that the guys "date rape drug" their friends on purpose and just for fun. Possibly just to watch each other being dumb. idk. So maybe it was just one of the guys trying to be funny...just throwing it out there
A Texas link! As was suspected..... Btw.........lots of good people from the Lone Star State And a dirt bag when you were there?
im not knocking on Texas I use to live in Texas..as why I know ppl from there.. And what do you mean by that ^?
Yikes! This is scary, glad you are ok. Definitely sounds like drug, not booze. I had a friend get Rufied at a Frat Party in college and it was EXACTLY this. Glad we were there to get her home safe. Also serves as a reminder to me for my December trip. Last year I took way too many drinks from 'strangers' and this could have easily been any of us.
I'm disturbed how many people in this thread have been or know someone who has been roofied! Really scary stuff - I can't believe how insidious some folks are. That said, I do believe there are more good people out there than bad. Here's hoping if anything similar were to ever happen to me, there would be someone there to ensure my safety.