Great story! Sorry I'm still LMAO. That's why I decided to get laser hair removal. Hope all is feeling better.
Just a little something to make you smile until TTR ! I don't care who ya are that's funny right? Lol. This was told to me by another couple from a lifestyle forum week before they jet set to resort....too funny not to share .
How did laser work on your bikini area? Mine only decreased the amount, however I NEVER have to shave my legs, that is quite wonderful!
Home waxing isn't really a good idea. I had been waxed for years and as you might expect the hair got thinner and thinner over time thanks to a very attractive Asian man. Last winter he told me he'd miss seeing me every month but suggested I finish it up by getting after 3 very brief sessions..........I am totally hair free. I went back to my waxer to show him and thank him for his suggestion......... He approved!
OMG!!! LMAO!!!! Just got back from TTR....first day back at work. THANK YOU!!! I really needed that! Laughed so hard I cried!! -Ginger
Damn, the story itself is hilarious, but the way in which you scripted it for us the "reader" classic and well-done ... had me ROTFLMFAO!!!! :bowdown: Cheers, :daveandmo: C