Be sure to get on the roll call when you decide to go to TTR !!! So then I can be sure not to book the same time... you seem like trouble and like to cause trouble. Sorry man thought your "thread" was legit but I'm thinking otherwise.. Cheers :aktion052:
Okay, I just finished doing Copee bear's "Monkey exercise," so I'm feeling much better, LOL! Here's the thing: I used to be married to a hot head. However, unlike Billy, he never would have admitted he was a hot head. Whatever was triggering him, in his mind, it was never his fault for being hot-headed. He could always find someone to blame for his anger: me for dressing too sexy, another guy for standing to too close to me, the bartender for serving the other guy's drink next to mine.... If Billy has the insight to recognize and admit this about himself, I think that's admirable. However, do I think we should encourage someone like that to join us at TTR? Hell no. I think we owe them a realistic insight into the situations that could arise and ruin their vacation. (Yes, I realize they might have the same issues anywhere...) But I'm in a soul-searching mood, and I think Billy might have gotten the response he did because he hit a few nerves. I love TTR, but it brings out every insecurity I have in myself and in my relationship. In many ways, facing them has made me a lot more comfortable in my own skin. The talks we've had about the jealousy TTR can arouse has been healthy, too. I'm sure there are a lot of people on these boards with similar experiences. But, had I ever come to TTR with my hot-head ex, this wouldn't have been the case. It would have been a week of unremitting misery for him, me, and any unfortunate people who innocently found themselves the victim of his drama. TTR is better off without that.
Oh dear if you are that hot headed and your wife is so hot it might be st to come to the uk where it is cold and she can cover up . Seriously live a little and enjoy the holiday....
I guess you can contemplate but Glenn and I will be enjoying our 21st trip there soon again. I think that is answer enough and I don't ever feel intimidated by anyone there that I wouldn't have the same issues with at home. Have my boobs been grabbed,um sure mostly by women lol but I have never been threatened by it. Sometimes they get grabbed at home too so not really a TTR thing. We are truly a big family there and we party outside the resort at home too more than a few times a year to celebrate each others birthdays. I keep in touch with alot of people we have met on facebook. I love seeing there real lives outside of TTR too. I hate to see someone miss out the vacation of there life but your the only one who can truly answer if it is an issue for you or how you feel. People have opinions, you have to decide if the is value in any of them. I guess what I am saying is cancuncare tends to take care if cancuncare. Take that for what it is, there is a huge group of great people here and TTR is fanstatic resort.
I take it as a compliment any time someone at TTR hits on my wife. Btw, I'm 6'2 235 lbs. Never had to get angry. Laugh it off, and enjoy!
At 6'2" and 250lbs I totally get it. However, on our last night at PatyO's a young, drunk punk took it a bit too far.
Book a trip, find the roll call thread, and find a good group of folks who are going at the same time. Explain your concern, and ask for back-up/cool-down assistance if/when needed. Simple.
These kind of threads can be such a downer. Reality is it is an issue for some more than others. Jealousy is so rooted in insecurity however the total absence of is uncaring....such a cruel trick lol I had to go back and re read the OP because by the time I made it through the issues of what is acceptable and not seemed to vary. If a person can't handle the looks, flirting, comments and socially acceptable physical contact then it is going to be a problem. My wife can handle herself , we frequent many adult clubs etc in Vegas and it's part of the game. What is not part of the game is putting your hands on someone else without permission. I'm talking about the drunken groping of random tits ...that is a good way to find someone's fist in your face. I realize that some may not mind but it is not acceptable to everyone. You will know when it's ok to do so, until then look, flirt, dance whatever but be respectful.