We would LOVE to go on the Boob Cruise while there next week! BUT :ass: being from the way north U.S. I am as white as virgin paper! Any advice beyond sunscreen with SPF equal to a welding hood? Fortunately my wife is more olive skinned but at 5'2" she won't provide me much shade.
Just my two cent: you don't need to show skin, be creative and wear something really sexy and protect your skin. Note: never been to Boobs Cruise, take my advice lightly
Actually anything that says it's over SPF 50 is a lie!!! It's just a marketing scam. We either use extra virgin coconut oil mixed with carrot seed oil or sunscreen from the honest company. It's SPF 30 with no harsh chemicals
Certain medications–such as antibiotics or products with retinol–can make your skin more sensitive to the effects of sunlight. It’s also important to know that SPF only applies to UVB rays. There is no SPF equivalent for UVA. You can look for additional ingredients in your sunscreen to protect you from UVA–such as zinc oxide and titanium dioxide–but there’s no standard measurement for how long these ingredients will keep you protected. I am no where close to white skin, and I got really bed burn on my second day. It was cloudy, and I was liberal on sunscreen cream. But later came to know, cloudy day, or snow is even worst, because UV rays scatters and bounce back more. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
We took the cruise last week and it was amazing, we did use a lot of sunscreen on our trip especially on the cruise. I would recommend an SPF 70 and reapply at least once an hour. If you super sensitive there is an awning on the back of the boat with a bench you can sit there for a bit to get our of the sun, but keep in mind that will also take you away from the best part of the party. Either way lots and lots of sunscreen and have a wonderful time. If you don't fly home at least a little sun burnt you will be one of few.
pre-tan and don't avoid the Boobs Cruise. Doubtfull the burn will be any different on the boat than it is at the pool
Avoid anything over SPF 30, and re-apply every hour. On a Boobs Cruise, you may need to apply on areas that normally don't get a lot of sun. Be sure to reapply after swimming in the ocean.