How do the CCC theme nights go? We know that the resort has these, but are the CCC something different?
To be honest, CCC themes can be hit or miss, depending how many people participate. If you're visiting when a big group of repeaters are going you've more chance of a CCC theme success.
Last August was first time for me and hubby and we participated 100%. Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-N910A using Tapatalk
We are newbies and we will be wearing theme night outfits every night. We will be following CCC themes. A lot of shear and very little clothing.
I'm reading through all these posts and there are Way TOO Many I want/need to quote on SO....I will just say this: Tim and I went all in on our First stay last Sept./Oct.... We were told by our groups a lot would be doing the themes.... On some night yes this was the case and on others we were in the minority by Far!! BUT the scariest thing is walking into PatyO's just the two of us not knowing if we'd be the only two in costume!! The only thing that comes to mind is the movie Legally Blonde when she walks into a frat party as a playboy bunny being told it was a costume party and she's the ONLY one in costume...BUT She rocked it and made the girl feel like crap!! NOW, I'm not saying to make anyone feel like crap BUT my point is to walk in and rock it Regardless if anyone else is dressed or not!! IF Anything you'll be the talk of the night, Make it a point to get out of your comfort zone...You don't know how great it really feels until you do it!! (This coming from a woman who told her hubby "MY TOP IS NOT COMING OFF!!".........LOL I missed my Burlesque night last year b/c someone had to much sun and fun!!! no names mentioned....ahem, cough TIM!....LOL So I stayed in with him....(which wasn't a bad thing ....but...This year if that happens...I'm gonna party without him and leave his ass in the room!! LOL..... I will however this year try to make it a point to meet up with others who are dressing up as well and take before pics at the quiet pool or by the beach and all go to PatyO's together so that No One feels that twang walking in alone!! Great idea...whomever mentioned it!! THANKS!! Especially on ABC night!! Can't wait to wear THOSE costumes!! Don't think mine has ever been seen before!! lol Ok enough of the book....thanks for listening/reading D
10 -15% depending on the group your with....But read my last post!! Don't worry about what others are doing if you like the theme ROCK IT!! Whether you are the only one or not!! HAVE FUN!!! D