
Discussion in 'Temptation Cancun' started by KNK3, Jul 4, 2014.

  1. marshe

    marshe The Original Hottie and Hellraiser Registered Member

    Feb 5, 2010
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    when not on vacation, home based 25 mns from Toron
    +1,772 / 4
    I see

    So that proves the older the membership the more valuable they are

  2. tacgrande

    tacgrande Addict Registered Member

    Oct 21, 2009
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    We got our membership 6 years ago and it works for us. It has paid for itself pretty quick so we are happy. We like to e-mail our booking and don't have to worry about reservations just shopping for good flights. The service we get around the pool and if we need anything we just ask Damian or Norma and it gets taken care of, they do a great job! We enjoy going to the spa at least 3 times on our week long trip at no extra cost just a tip. So for us it works out great.
  3. aliveinlove

    aliveinlove Enthusiast Registered Member

    Feb 17, 2014
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    New York
    +1 / 0
    We joined a couple years ago and are happy with the value.. We were treated to upgraded room (unofficial), menu is expanded, lower costs that is easily amortized within four years and like the better liquor options.. So if you intend to visit TTR multiple times, it does make sense... TTR is the first resort that we look forward to revisiting... We have been counting the days to our next visit since we left last year.. We will be there on the 30th July until the 8th Aug this year!!! Contact us and we can tell you more... In summary, we are happy we made the decision. If you should decide to want to take a tour, let us know and happy to split the referral benefits with you!!
  4. jackiet

    jackiet Enthusiast Registered Member

    Apr 7, 2014
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    We will have to chat with you guys about the whole membership thing. We will be there Aug 1-8. Not sure if we would be able to make something like that work for us tho. It's tough trying to get away without the kids, this being our 1st kid free vacation ever! But, the kids are getting older now, they are 12 & 11, so eventually we will have more free time! I think it would be better getting all the info from someone other than the sales ppl!
  5. FirmandSuz

    FirmandSuz Regular Registered Member

    Feb 23, 2003
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    +49 / 0
    If you buy the 175 nights package, you get 175 nights of what kind of room - Garden, OV, Jacuzzi? (Ex - If we want a Jacuzzi every time we go would we get it and is there an additional charge for one?).

    If you can bargain for "free weeks" as well - what kind of room do you get for your free weeks?

    We always book Jacuzzi rooms when we go and would want that to continue if we became members

    Just trying to understand what rooms you are getting when buying in - I think it used to be that members were put into the 3000 building but there are obviously too many members now to do that anymore.

  6. aliveinlove

    aliveinlove Enthusiast Registered Member

    Feb 17, 2014
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    New York
    +1 / 0
    Hi Jackjet, Look forward to meeting you both.. Happy to share and also meet up and have some laughs and fun at TTR. See you both soon.. Best, Gary & Cindy
  7. drew_buckeye

    drew_buckeye Guru Registered Member

    Sep 16, 2011
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    We joined 4-5 years ago and I would say it was worth it. We had buyers remorse for the first 2 years of it, but now I'm starting to think it was worth it. Initially when we purchased the time share I figured it would take ~13 trips to break even. The normal prices seem to be going up a lot every year, but the time share rate is only a few bucks more each year. We are paying roughly $115 per night during the low season (never booked during the high season).

    If you can find 1 referral to go each year it would drop the price down under $100 a night for a 7 night stay (Can't beat that!). Although I heard that some contracts no longer come with Referrals so that will be something else to look into...
  8. marshe

    marshe The Original Hottie and Hellraiser Registered Member

    Feb 5, 2010
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    when not on vacation, home based 25 mns from Toron
    +1,772 / 4
    It is not my biz...but I thought I would give you food 4 thought.

    If TTR is something U think will be in your future, as the kids get older, U should consider buying now.
    Then when you are ready to start using it frequently (5yrs hence) U will be staying at 2014 room rates and not 2019. U will thank yourselves then.

    Also you will have 5 yrs to make the Referrals generate TTR dollars for you. Which you will then use when you are able to travel back to Mecca more often.
    And you can also use the mebership now for those odd 'kid-free' weeks.

    U can also split the membership stealthly with a sibling, inlaw or friend.
    However only one can be the owner. The other goes down as a beneficiary.
    Beneficiaries get to use the membership as if they are the owner.
  9. tacgrande

    tacgrande Addict Registered Member

    Oct 21, 2009
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    We always get our free upgrade to Ocean Suit and stay in the 3000 block a referral of ours will get our same benefits.
    You can get the Jacuzzi room in your contract so you can use on every trip not sure if your referral can also. We know members that have the Jacuzzi room in there contract but you can request a different room if you want.
    175 night will get you the Garden view with an free upgrade to Ocean view.
    The key to this is have it in your contract what you want or don't sign.

    Chris & Tracy
  10. Stacia_and_John

    Stacia_and_John T&A Tour Guide Registered Member

    Mar 1, 2012
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    Houston, TX
    +4,621 / 14
    OK, what's NPI?

    We've had our membership since April of 12 and love it. There is a subtle layer of luxury that comes witht he membership and I get that it's not for everyone. You don't get a room that's really that much better, e.g. you don't get the Temptation Suite every time (though it is a single-step upgrade from what you DO get, rather than 3). You don't get access to a private member's club, so to speak (but you do get access to higher-quality drinks, food items are not extra for high-end stuff), though you do get access to the Member's Deck (which Stacia & I personally LOVE as it steps us out of the 5:00 a.m. race to the Sexy Pool to "save our chairs! Gasp!). We get servers around the pool, and they'll bring you nearly anything you can get at the resort, drinks, food, sunscreen, towels, whatever.

    But, that being said, it's not why we got the membership, it was for the extra travel bennies. For example, in August we are taking a trip with our friends, for whom (as there was a medical issue with big bills for them this past year and they can't afford such a trip) to Maui. All each of us needs to purchase (and we used points) was the WEEK at a 2-bedroom condo on Maui in Kihei. Price = $459 for the week, plus tax. Total under $500. For the Week!

    This past February, I got a special, again through the travel bennies, to a place on St. Martin, and we got what is typically a $4,000/week place for $1,800 for the week. Nice! This is straight up money savings.

    You know how the people work out how fast you'll make your money back just going to TTR? Well, my membership will literally pay for itself in 2.5 years at the above savings rate, since we like to travel.
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