We find it easier if Audrey packs both suitcases and carry-ons. That way she can use as much of my space as she likes. My only rule is the stupider I'm dressed, the closer I'm standing to her.
Off-topic, but helpful: tiphouskeeping and ask for extra bottles of water. Take an extra liter per person to the pool. Keep hydrated, and you might avoid problems later in the day. Stay thirsty my friends.
Thank you everyone for the tips. Aug 1-6 will be our first trip. We are looking forward to having a great time. Sent from my SM-G900V using Tapatalk
Another tip to help with the packing blues: plan on having some of your repeat clothes , shorts, t shirts etc. Washed by housekeeping. They do a great job, and it's cheap!
Due to the inconsistency we don't risk it. We don't want the stress of will they let us in so we always bring a pair of nice jeans or slacks and closed toe shoes. You don't want to get shut out or be the person everyone is looking at for wearing shorts