I wish those glass panes beside the automatic doors in the buffet would open as well. If they opened I wouldn't have these nasty scars on my hand and knee from last year. LMFAO
To put on a great balcony show. I still haven't managed to put one on for everyone. Also I don't know how but still haven't seen one either. What the fuck is going on lol
If you speak of your wishes they're less likely to happen. Ssshhhhhhhhhh. That's code for "we're not telling".
I understand, but I'm going to go out on a limb here and guess that it starts with "uni" and ends with "corn."
Sounds like fun, But it also makes me melacholy over our missed opportunity to get on Hefner's yacht on Easter Sunday. It is still too fresh in my mind. And this is like pulling back the scab
You got to open your eyes more. They aren't elusive. We see/meet one evry trip. 2 trips ago (Easter) there was a unicorn who even had a flashing led horn on her forehead. Cute as hell
Completely agree with your persepctive. They are god and legends. And it is subjective. #1 Moon ---- bar none #1A Bonham Lars Glover Sorum Palmer Collins Grohl Ringo
I think I seen a pic on here of that...If its the pic I'm thinking of its not the same type of unicorn lmao I prefer my unicorn without a penis. Nikki