Ok first timers rolling in in 8 days. Question...it have seen several comments about people bringing Bubba Mugs. What the heck is a Bubba Mug? Help us! Thanks
Bubba mug like you buy at Walmart. They have all different sizes. 24 oz is popular but some prefer the 32 oz. Bring your own mug that way you can get larger quantities of alcohol.
You will want to bring some sort of insulated cup or mug! We did on your first trip last year and was so glad we did!!
We didn't know about them until we got there. We were able to buy 1 at the gist shop. a 34 oz for $21 dollars. I figured that it was a little high until we saw them down town. $34 for a 24 oz. The gift shop prices really aren't that bad.
Some friends of ours were able to get them on clearance at a chain store back in the states for like 7 or 8 bucks lol...
We found the 34oz bubba mug at Target for $5.00, bought all they had for that price, I think we just happened to walk in at the right time. I would keep an eye out at your local stores to get them cheaper than on line. :ernaehrung015: