Friday night last year. The party went from dance floor to the sports pool. We were naked for 2 solid hours and highly intoxicated longer than that. Lol Great night and memories.
doing the helicopter naked on the island at the sexxy pool during the iron man competition. Mid day in front of everyone!
Helicopter?! I had the pleasure of doing the helicopter for the battle of the sexes game. I won a visor lol
Hubby's best moment his banana hammock got tossed up on the roof, causing him to literally stroll to retrieve it:clappyinghappy: he loved it.
May not be the best naked moment but... Chinos spanking my ass twice with the shot glass paddle on the Boobs Cruise in front of 75 people was in my top 10, lol. I knew I shouldn't have tried to scare him by wearing a purple strap-on. WTF was I thinking...D'OH!!! Did get a warm feeling afterwards though...might have been the extra tequila he gave me for medicinal purposes or not Scott
I do believe that was the day we met :icon_smile: and i think green AWIC was involved later at the pool bar.
Don't know if this is the best. Maybe just one of the first. Tracy pulls off my shorts on our first Boobs Cruise. Not a big deal till Chinos writes his name on my ass and Tracy draws on the front of me and they start calling me Pinoccio. The shorts magically dissapeared till I had to almost beg for them back to get off the boat at the island. Moral of story here: black permanent marker on white ass isn't so bad. but with marker washed off sunburned ass, name on ass and face on front last all summer as white tatoos.