This may be a silly question, but here goes. I just got my Nexus Card and I use it regularly between US and Canada, but what about Mexico. Can I use it rather than my Passport?
You will need your passport if you fly in and out of Mexico. The Nexus card is for land transport only.
Correct, you should have a global entry ID from that though for when you fly back in the US you can do it thru the fast automated customs however.
My father has had a Nexus card for several years and uses it at airports, though the definition may change between Canadian and American versions (he's Canadian by the way). And yeah I think that agreement is only between Canada and the US
Another advantage of the NEXUS card when travelling in the US is that when you do your check-in and enter the trusted traveler number on the back of the card your boarding pass will have TSA PRE on it. That gives you access to separate security lines where available plus you don't have to remove your shoes, take out your laptop / liquids or take off lighter outer garments. Of course TSA reserves the right to say otherwise. Some airports in Canada have NEXUS lines for security as well and it is huge bonus when we travel to / through the US and clear US customs...half a dozen people versus a 100+ (depending on time of year / day etc). Well worth the $50 A word of caution though, if you ever get caught making a false declaration on goods (i.e. you want to save a few $ by lying about how much booze or smokes you have) you are seriously FUCKED!!! Might even get you on a no fly list worse case and you can be fined up the hoop for violating the trusted traveler program.
Even with the global entry card you are required to carry your passport in case the machines are out of order or they send you over to an immigration officer.