So now having read several posts about creepers & specifically involving the lobby bathroom- I have to ask, if it's in the lobby, why isn't any staff paying attention? Or does nobody report their issues with it so that maybe a security guard can keep an eye out? Plan on avoiding that one unless my hubby is there to stand guard! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
There is a washroom counter area outside of the bathrooms. There is usually a person always there freshening up the counter and the towels used to dry your hands. The actual bathroom has a closed door. The doors to the toilets are semi transparent. I have never seen a male go into the ladies bathroom. Not sure why the person didn't complain to the front desk and have the creepy person removed. We haven't had any creepy people problems! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk - Angela
Also the June junkie crew is very protective. If the girls want to dance there is always one of the guys watching/protecting us. The girls usually go to the bathroom in groups and when we were gone too long because we were talking in the bathroom, the men came looking for us. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk - Angela
Thank goodness because I get easily distracted when intoxicated haha! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Unfortuanately. . .I would suggest you have hubby closeby. I know it is kinda junvenile to have to be escorted, and rushs your routine, and perhaps make you feel like a lil kid. But safety first when using that lobby washroom in the late evenings. Having a room located around PatyOs is a major advantage. Also using the buffet's facilities is an option too.
In April when we were there Ali went to the washroom in the lobby wearing her usual revealing theme clothing and the attendant apparently told her she had nice tetas and gave one a squeeze. In hindsight I probably should have complained to management but she wasn't super upset, just a little surprised to say the least, and we laughed about it. We didn't see him for the rest of the trip so maybe someone else had a similar experience and complained.
If you don't want to use the lobby bathroom, you can also use the bathroom in the buffet restaurant. I usually go there or to my room. We always ask for a room around paty-o. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk - Angela
There was a male attendant in the female bathroom? I am totally drawing a blank on where these bathrooms are!! We always used the buffet bathrooms when partying at Paty O's. These creep calls are weirding me out.