Ok so we're about 3 days out from leaving (hooray)! Here's my question: should I only take passports or take our DL's as well? Contacted cc's about travel & such, not taking any bank cards, going Fri to get tip cash. Anything I've forgotten??? Thanks Peeps! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Good question. We leave Friday morning and are getting everything together. Lauren lost her drivers license and is only bringing passport. We can't remember if two forms of ID was ever necessary, flights hotel check in etc ... Is just passport good? Remember to buy lots of sun tab lotion as it is super expensive in cancun. Load up on quality booze at duty free andddd ... Other suggestion?
Got all that covered [emoji106] just curious about the ID situation... Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
The only time we have ever needed a DL was for renting a golf cart on Isla Mujeres. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
I usually take both an carry them separately. That way if my passport were lost or stolen I have a form of ID. Not that I would have a problem having to stay in Mexico longer. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
We have only brought our passports with us. We put them in the safe once we get in the room. We bring cash for the raffle tickets and tips. Jeff being one credit card in case of an emergency! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk - Angela
Scanning of ID and passport to an email address is a great idea. I also keep a digital copy of all important paperwork on a secured flashstick. ID, passport, insurance cards, emergency contact info and worse case contact info to your country's Embassy.