"Nakify July" Limited Edition T Shirts are now available for those visiting in July. Check out the color options and styles at > Nakify July Temptation 2014 | Teespring On sale for one week only - ends 17th June.
surpirised how little cleavage is allowed with those Yandy costumes - they just aren't sexy enough (for us any ways at Paty-O's)
Thinking about getting the neon green shirt for neon/rave night. Was hoping to find something funny, but they are are pretty cool shirts.
Hey July crew! I was stalking your theme nights to get ideas for October we are headed TTR this weekend and have a uniform night. I saw your soccer ideas. I am doing lingerie football. White bootie short panties, white knee pads and Anguie, the lady who does the body painting, is going to paint on my bra jersey top. I'll post pics when we get home. Just a thought for the soccer costume for you guys! Have a blast! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk - Angela
Ok who is going to be there July 7-12th. And is planning to dress up. I have everything ordered and on its way but I really dont want to pack it all and get down there and be the only one. Please tell me someone else is planning to participate during the dates I'm there.
We'll be there from July 10th-19th and will be participating in all theme nights. They're just way too fun to pass up.
We have 8 in our group..... sleepintriple, califonirax, mikentorrie, and the two of us from the 14 -22 and we will def all dress up. We did this last year (same time) and had a blast even had extra outfits to loan out for the night ;-) for others who didn't know about theme nights or were just to nervous to wear/bring an outfit. There aren't too many vacations where we can party this wild and hard... take advantage and have no regrets. C&D