I have gone the last 3yrs and trip 4 coming up in august. I go all out aswell and have a good laugh with it. Last year on red dress night I was jesica rabbit the whole get up wig, red dress, fish net, gloves and the girls evan did some makeup for me lol You make it what you want the guys in the group of friends I go with get pretty into it aswell.
I got thinking the other day about how men can participate more in theme nights and one movie shot keeps coming back to mind...the Risky Business clip of Tom Cruise dancing in a shirt and his underwear to Good Time Rock and Roll by Bob Seger... think that would be a great theme for men to wear on Dress shirt night.
This made me laugh!! The June Junkies actually have a theme for the Boobs Cruise on the 15th - Risky Business. Not sure how far the men will take it, but we will all be wearing Wayfarer sunglasses!
Means that the rental/purchase of the movie has spiked, the men having to see what to do to participate on the 15th Boobs Cruise theme, and they must be willing because that cruise is sold out. YouTube views have increased too.
Haha - already done guys and a solid hit while at TTR last year - tested and true!! I've posted pics of our groups escapades for your amusement (well, the ones appropriate; that follow CCC rules - haha) the Risky Business Theme for the guys to enhance the women with our mens button down dress shirt/stilettos turned out to be a rockin' night and our living room idea which became the love of many at TTR last year - was a brilliant notion, this is a setup theme for August this year and states, men "Channel your best Tom Cruise in Risky Business" ... feel free to visit our August Theme nights thread ... You guys won't be disappointed it's a blast and makes for wicked group pics - so have a blast and be sure to share your fun pictures guys - have a wonderful vacation!! Cheers, C