First Time Trip Report 5/21-5/31 2014

Discussion in 'Temptation Cancun' started by CanadianThrill, Jun 6, 2014.

  1. CanadianThrill

    CanadianThrill Enthusiast Registered Member

    Jan 2, 2014
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    Ontario Canada
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    This was our first trip to TTR and many more to come. I won’t go into the detail of our daily activates because that will be a novel! Overall we had an amazing time and met really great people which will become lifelong friends! You all know who you are!!! :icon_wink::icon_wink::icon_wink:

    Food: The food for the most part was pretty good, I mean I’ve had better and I’ve had worse on previous vacations. But who comes to TTR for the food?!?! LOL . By far our most favorite restaurant had to be the Italian. Their steaks are delicious! We didn’t like the buffet at lunch; they really didn’t have great options, so we stuck to going to margaritas for lunch each day. Their fish tacos were fantastic, along with their pizzas!

    Music: The music was great couldn’t really complain. Seemed like the DJ repeated the play list each day and night. But the music really wasn’t bad so we couldn’t complain.

    Bars: We noticed the bar up top next to the pool is much better than the swim-up bar. Although much more convenient to stay in the pool and get your drinks. I watched the bartender’s poor alcohol at both bars and noticed the bar up top makes much better and stronger drinks than the swim-up bar. Either way all the bartenders work their asses of to serve everyone all day! I have to give them credit for that. :clappyinghappy:

    Rooms: Our room was always clean; our maid did a great job. Although, we did find the rooms to be very damp. Our clothes always seemed to stay damp. We had a room on the ground floor in the 1100 section. We had a Jacuzzi on our patio which made for a fun party once patyos cleared out. When sitting in the Jacuzzi we had a great big view of the ocean J Tip: don’t leave you washroom door open when taking a shower. The steam from the shower makes your floors very wet and dangerous! We learned that after the first night.

    Single guys: For the most part we didn’t have any issue with the single guys at the resort; we actually met some really nice and respectful one. Although we did hear of some groups of guys touching girls inappropriately without permission and just flat out being disrespectful to the girls and their significant others. I also did find many single guys with cameras which at one point near the end of the trip made me very uncomfortable. But I just moved to a different part of the pool and decided to brush it off.

    Camera Issue: TTR really needs to enforce their no photography policy a lot better. Staff members and security ask people to just put their camera away rather than deleting the photo that they just took. What good is it to put the camera away when they already got their photo?

    Slight Vent: We really enjoyed the whole atmosphere of the place – “nobody knows you, nobody gives a fuck” This mentality really allowed us let loose and just have fun! Although one night, Tuesday May 27th we were at the Asian restaurant around 8:30pm sitting next to a table of 4 (2 couples) completely cutting me up. I was appalled! In particular they were speaking about my theme night attire for the past couple nights. They were referring to my school girl outfit which I along with many other members on Cancun Care dressed in our school girl outfits on red dress night. The following nights theme was “anything goes” I decided to wear a red dress. The foursome sitting at the back of the restaurant having their deserts were cutting me up for this. I was shocked at a place like TTR to hear such nasty and hurtful comments. “…She must have missed the memo” (referring to my attire for 2 theme nights) I decided to leave it alone and enjoy my dinner with my hubby and enjoy the rest of the night because we were at TTR where nobody knows you and nobody gives a fuck!

    Last but not least…Boobscruise! It’s a MUST! It was the highlight of our trip! It started off slow, but once the alcohol started flowing and the AIWC came out, shit when down! It really was the best day of the entire 10 days we were there! To anyone contemplating doing a BoobscruiseDO IT!!! :lotsofmichaelfs:
  2. Saywhn

    Saywhn Regular Registered Member

    Feb 12, 2012
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    Great TR!!
  3. glenn/monique

    glenn/monique Titties n Beer Registered Member

    Feb 19, 2006
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    Edmonton, canada
    +426 / 1
    I wouldn't worry about them cutting you up for your dress. Probably jealousy, and non cancuncare people who just didn't get it. I look forward to possibly meeting both of you one day cause it sounds like you will definitely be back. We go a couple to maybe four times a year so anything is possible. Glad you both enjoyed yourself.
  4. Tweb

    Tweb Guru Registered Member

    Aug 11, 2012
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    It was so nice meeting you too. Great TR and I hope you'll be back the same time as us :)
    As far as the your outfits, you were very sexy and I'm certain those couples were jealous!
    I might add too, thanks for the AIWC on the cruise, it definitely broke the ICE
  5. jeff & deb

    jeff & deb I can choose my own title Registered Member

    Nov 7, 2009
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    Thanks for the trip report and happy that you had a great time.
    Koodos to you for dressing how you want...after all it's your vacation.
  6. regdog

    regdog Addict Registered Member

    Nov 9, 2004
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    Charleston, South Carolina
    +10 / 0
    Great TR. Sounds like you all had a great time. Thanks for sharing. Not to worry much about those who call themselves taunting you. We who are part of the Cancuncare community are a very special fraternal order and we all have a special love for TTR and its activities. Therefore we get very psyched and prepared to show up and show off at the theme nights. Too bad if they don't get it.
    We Make No Apologies:daveandmo:...welcome to the family of repeaters!!
  7. Don&Olga

    Don&Olga Guru Registered Member

    Dec 17, 2012
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    Great trip report glad you both had a great time and oh yea TTR has a way of making a repeater out of you
  8. CanadianThrill

    CanadianThrill Enthusiast Registered Member

    Jan 2, 2014
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    Oh ya we are already talking about when to go back next year lol
  9. Nikki&Ira

    Nikki&Ira Secretary of Octoberbreast Registered Member

    Jan 9, 2014
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    Fredericton NB
    +921 / 6
    So glad you had a great time. This place changes you. We just went for our first trip a few months ago and our second 2014 trip is already booked! Amazing place.
  10. Vic&Chantelle

    Vic&Chantelle Guru Registered Member

    Jan 22, 2012
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    Alberta, Canada
    +30 / 0
    Awesome trip report guys!! So happy to hear you had a fantastic time ... I have to say, with those individuals that decided to resort to childish behaviour and mock you during dinner are definitely not worthy of TTR royalty nor a class act; unlike yourselves. This being said, it would have been nice to see their faces once arriving at Paty'Os and realizing that they were the ones who didn't receive the memo - just saying!! :doh:

    Bottom line - it's clear to me that both of you looked positively smashing in your outfits (smokin' HOT) and did TTR/CCC Theme nights very proud girl - well done!! :)


    Last edited: Jun 10, 2014
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