Via Urban Dictionary Nice Shoes 1) An expression usually followed by "wanna fuck" as a very bad chat up line, which does often work. The expression "Nice shoes..." can be said alone, with the hope the other person will realise what you are asking them, if they do and say yes, you've pulled, if they realise and say no, you say "i have no idea what you mean, i like your shoes". It is also an inside joke shared between many, in which "Nice shoes..." is shouted across the room to a friend, then they reply "wanna fuck?!" 2) To say nice shoes to a girl has nothing to do with what's on their feet, but what's inside their bra. Nice shoes in other words means "nice breasts"
I should have asked my initial question about the term Nice Shoes as it applies at Temptation. I was not aware of the Urban Dictionary definition, and believe that that the Temptation version is quite a bit different. The old farts that I was first around at BBG implied that was strictly meant as a compliment to the gals at the resort, and one that you could give in any company. No doubt that nice boobies, nice tush, nice legs, or a nice body in general could earn a Nice Shoes. Confidence, attitude, or personality could earn a Nice Shoes just as easily.
thanks for asking that question I was wondering the same thing. theres another expression I was wondering about. ive seen a lot of people mention "unicorns" any idea what that means
I believe a unicorn is a female that is willing to join a couple "Very rare" At least that is how I understood it