Breezes: since you are bashing Jamaica, why do you go there. At the same time why don't you report on all the different issues on the beaches of Cancun where people die in the rough surf and nobody helps them with proper life saving equipment? Or the kids who fall off ledges in hotels when they are drunk? Is this all the fault of Mexico? Stop bashing a country for mistakes that are made just about in any country on this planet. If you don't like the place don't go. Trust me they won't miss you.
I went and did the cliff jumping at Rick's Cafe back in 1991 and had an absolute blast and never saw anyone that appeared to be injured or in danger. Well, except for me. On my third jump I thought it would be cool to do a can opener and how high I could send a column of water. I went off the highest spot and had perfect form but I did realize the effect velocity would have on my entry. The splash was spectacular and so was the hematoma that went from my upper ass cheek down to near the back of my knee. After that I just swam back to the catamaran, drank some rum and Red Stripe and had a little spleif with Rasta Ralph. All good.
I too have been known to behave erratically at Ricks, back when the tour busses didn't convoy in at 4pm, and assume we were performers for their slide projector parties back home in suburbia. Back when rising to your buddies' dares of a 20ft dive was the ONLY measure of one's manhood! Back b4 Jamaica Mistaca. B4 Jimmy Buffet was allowed to open another hamburger joint, every 50 miles. A lot of fun, and pain, extracted from those cliffs. (The innocence of youth) And many great nights there, pre- tourist trap era, developing a full appeciation for all the nuances of Jamaican "SENSI". The amazing thing about JA is the culture. Every other caribbean island tries to borrow or imitate Jamaica, the jewel of the caribbean.
Mel, I have to agree with you 100%. I loved Jamaica, Negril in particular. The people are warm, friendly and caring and when they tell you "no problem mon" in that mellifluous Patua accent, they truly mean it. The Rasta soul is beautiful. And so is their music.