My Doctor was correct

Discussion in 'Temptation Cancun' started by breezesfan, May 31, 2014.

  1. breezesfan

    breezesfan Guru Registered Member

    Aug 28, 2012
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    Referring to the recent discussion comparing Hedo II and Temptations. Lastest info is that a tourist at Ricks died from injuries from a cliff dive. He was trying to do a double back flip from 30 ft.

    Two tourist nurses tried to revived him with CPR. The oxygen tank at Ricks malfunctioned along with the Defib machine. No Ambulance, so (after an hour) he was transported in a van to the nearest hospital about 10 miles away.

    There was a first hand account of what happened, however Trip Advisor found it necessary to delete those posts. TA does NOT like for any blame to be pointed at Negril or Jamaica. (for its lack of even the most basic medical care). Where do all of these taxes we pay go to anyway ??? Most common excuse was "Well, he would have died anyway".

    If something bad happens on your vacation, you are a LOT better off in Cancun.
  2. MrJandSluttyQuinn

    MrJandSluttyQuinn Regular Registered Member

    Mar 10, 2014
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  3. ajay

    ajay HnH Repeat Offenders Registered Member

    Sep 9, 2010
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    I've had friends travel to Jamaica and say they would never go back. I'll stick with TTR

  4. gabesz

    gabesz Addict Registered Member

    Oct 31, 2006
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    The non working defiblirator or the oxygen tank has nothing to do with Jamaica as a whole. It has to do exclusively with Ricks. As for the individual doing a dive off the cliff that is normal but to try somethin like a double backflip is a bit crazy on their part so regrettably they too had something to do with this issue.

    I would not stop going to Jamaica because of such an event. This is not something that happens often so why blame a country for someones error in judgement or the restaurants inability to have the proper equipment. I am willing to bet there are a lot of things that go wrong in Cancun but most of you are totally unaware of it. Will that stop you from coming to Cancun? Probably not.
  5. April Newbies

    April Newbies Regular Registered Member

    Feb 13, 2006
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    I agree, having watched cliff jumpers in Negril it scares me without a backflip!!! The person involved was sadly taking a huge risk, the non working defibrillator is an issue but even if it had been working I doubt the outcome would have been different. Resuscitate with defibs are not nearly as successful as the media would have us believe.

    We have sadly had a death at TTR while staying a few years back. TTR did not have a defib which may or may not have made a difference, but I suspect would have made more difference than to the guy at Ricks.

    I've travelled to both places and would return again to either tomorrow but we each have to make our own judgement based on our own health.
  6. breezesfan

    breezesfan Guru Registered Member

    Aug 28, 2012
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    What does reflect on Jamaica as a whole is the total lack of any type of functional emegency medical care in Negril. The fact that 1000s of tourists visit Negril and pay a huge amount of $$$ in taxes and the Jamaican government fails to see the need for a hospital borders on criminal. Quite a few hospitals in Cancun !!! The threads critical of the anything in Jamaica are often deleted on Trip Advisor. Very strange indeed. Its always the tourists fault.
  7. BostonMel

    BostonMel I can choose my own title Registered Member

    Sep 20, 2005
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    There is a clinic in Negril, a hospital in Sav LaMar and Mo bay. And plenty of decent doctors.
    Ricks is at fault for not having properly working equipment.
    Stop bashing Jamaica. We get it you don't like it. So don't go. There are plenty, like myself, who absolutely love it there. Who's soul feels at HOME as soon as the plane touches down.
    I'm sure Ricks deletes the posts, they have pull and $$. They are one of the top 10 bars to visit in the world, per tourism shows. Why put up a bashing Jamaica post in the Temptation forum?
    Every time I read your stuff it's your dislike for Jamaica. Negril. Not everyone gets it. That's clear. Many, like myself, have a very different version of Negri. Mine is easy going, relaxing, and the people from Jamaica I love. I have many friends in Jamaica. My god son is in Jamaica. The higglers don't bug me like they do you. I don't do drugs, but the fact that you can get any and all drug doesn't bother me. It's just someone is actually buying this shit and they want to make $$. Plain and simple. There is crime and prostitution, like Cancun and Us, and many countries. I've seen more theft in Vegas than I have in Negril.

    The fact that things don't look like Cancun or Vegas make my love even stronger. I like that they are laid back. I love the smell of the air. I love the smiles, the sounds, the food and the fact that it's not all modernized.
    So yes if you plan on doing copious amounts of drugs or doing back flips of Ricks, or swimming long distances to Ricks with a heart condition then don't go to Negril cuz you might die. It's not Ricks first death and won't be their last. Jamaica is not first world, or even second world. It's a third world country. I had a friend that got a piece of rebar in his foot in Cancun, went to the hospital there, they stitched it up and when he got home it was the size of a football. They didn't clean it out before they stitched it. Shit happens. And yes it's horrible. But stop blaming the country. There is much corruption in Jamaican politics, politrix is the term they typically use, so that is where their taxes go. And the schools, and roads. But also remember that most Jamaica's are lucky to make $100 a week, so how much do you think they get in taxes? Remember that many live in tenaments, or houses as big as my shed on small rented plots of land. And our Jamaican tourism tax goes to tourism, aka advertisements, better roads and buses, etc. Go to and discuss these topics. They will be better able to discuss Jamaica's short comings. Not with uninformed people who have never been and will be dissuaded to do so in the future by negative posts.
    Jamaica had come a long way in the past ten years but still has so far to go. But seeing all the advancement almost makes me sad. More buildings going up, condos, more commercialized places. I love getting away from the fast paced.
    So yes Negril, and probably all of Jamaica, is not for you. That's fine.
    Last edited: Jun 1, 2014
  8. breezesfan

    breezesfan Guru Registered Member

    Aug 28, 2012
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    LOL, I would say that the fact that your God son is Jamaican explains your love of the Island. Simple facts are simple facts. My post was in response to a very recent Thread comparing TTR and Hedo.
  9. BostonMel

    BostonMel I can choose my own title Registered Member

    Sep 20, 2005
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    My god son is Jamaican because I have made great friends in my travels. I've been blessed to make amazing friends in my Cancun travels also. So how does that reflect on my love for a country?
    I am not Jamaican, nor do I have true blood roots there. But I consider myself Jamerican because it truly is where my soul is at peace. I've known it since the moment I stepped off the plane onto the tarmac years ago. I do not wear rose colored glasses about Jamaica. I know who she is. As I know who the US is and Mexico. And other countries. Nothing is perfect.
    If your response was to said thread then you should have listed in that thread to keep it on topic. No?
    Makes sense to me
  10. Will n Roz

    Will n Roz Addict Registered Member

    Mar 20, 2011
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    This post has nothing to do with comparing resorts, it's a pile of nonsense, we too love Jamaica and renewed our vows at Breezes Runaway Bay, the people are amazing like their country, Cancun is a city so has amenities, Negril is just a village really so you wouldn't expect the medical facilities would you.
    Moral of this post go visit Jamaica but the last thing you should do is daft things
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