Jen&Kyle Trip Report...Desire Pearl vs TTR vs Desire Pearl Trip Report

Discussion in 'Desire Pearl' started by Jen&Kyle, May 19, 2014.

  1. JoeMar

    JoeMar Guru Registered Member

    Dec 3, 2007
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    It was great meeting you two. We really enjoyed the dinner conversation, and you never would have guessed that we had just met 10 minutes before we were sitting at the Italian Restaurant. Maybe our paths will cross again sometime.
  2. Ceb

    Ceb Newbie Registered Member

    Sep 2, 2012
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    Sorry, I was too mesmerized by that tight little butt to care about the wings
  3. Jen&Kyle

    Jen&Kyle I can choose my own title Registered Member

    Jan 12, 2010
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    If I win the lottery some day I wouldn't buy the resort, that wouldn't be practical :) and too much work, but I would bring everyone we ever met back all at once. That would be an amazing week. Wish there was a way for it to work that everyone came at the exact same time. Hey, maybe Octoberbreast? Great meeting you both and I am sure our paths will cross again. If TTR doesn't work then Pittsburg!
  4. jeflanne

    jeflanne Enthusiast Registered Member

    Oct 26, 2009
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    I think Joe & Marlena should come for Octoberbreast too :) What do you think JoeMar? Andrea and I just lined up the babysitter last night and we should be booking flights this weekend. I think we will go Oct. 3rd to the 11th. It would be great if you guys could make it.
  5. JoeMar

    JoeMar Guru Registered Member

    Dec 3, 2007
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    We would love to meet you then, and it sounds like a fun group is there, but we will be in Key West the week before that, so we couldn't make it this year. We stay with our friends in their 2 bedroom condo, so they say when, and we say "ok"!
  6. Jen&Kyle

    Jen&Kyle I can choose my own title Registered Member

    Jan 12, 2010
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    Tuesday may 13th - transition day

    Tuesday may 13 - transition day

    Today is the day where our opinion of Pearl the transition from 'I can't believe I paid this much for this boring place with all these issues' to 'this is the right combination of TTR party and sensual elegance we were looking for'.

    We woke up to a beautiful sunny day and went back to the buffet breakfast. We always liked the TTR bfast buffet but the pearl is another level of quality and freshness. Which is logical when you are cooking for 150 instead of 700. Plus you can order anything from your waiter. We would order our omelets and pick up fresh peaches, plums, melon and of course bacon from the buffet. Like TTR they always remembered our drink orders and never had us waiting. The restaurant looks out over the beautiful beach and ocean. The ambiance is a big win over ttr.

    Our chairs were waiting for us pool side as usual as we strolled in at 10 something. The gentle beats from the sound system had started. Early in the day I would compare them to the chill station on Sirius/xm radio. Much better way to start your day than 30 seconds of Sweet Home Alabama transitioned to Welcome to the Jungle Ttr style. Again we love ttr but we dislike the day time music (except the live dj Saturday). Music would then transition to modern day pop with some club and hip hop (mainstream songs) mixed in when the activities got started. We both decided today was a naked day. Eventually you realize it is no big deal and second nature. We did it because we wanted to and not because we had to. That is an important point for people thinking about trying Pearl but unsure of the naked factor. You honestly don't have to. It really is a live and let live kind of place. Don't let the naked factor stop you from trying Pearl. Now if you don't like seeing public sex then that is a better reason not to go. I will explain that later as there really wasn't much up to this point of the trip and it was not in your face. It was primarily in the designated areas.

    We started chatting with the folks around our chair and quickly realized some had just come in and others were from the yahoo group created with people going in May on the Desire Forum. The yahoo group requires that everyone answer some questions and submit a picture of themselves. This is an attempt to keep out the creepers of course. It worked great as it was easy for them or us to just walk up and say 'hey you are Jen and Kyle from the yahoo group'. Similar to how cancuncare works of course. On the pearl forum people are much more discreet so the yahoo group takes down those boundaries. Anyway the organizer of the group arrived along with others so we started to identify some partners in crime for turning the party up a notch.

    Now may be a good time to point out another difference between ttr and pearl. We love that ttr party but sometimes it is hard to get a drink. It isn't a tip factor as I believe in tipping as they all deserve it so I always tip. And it isn't that one bartender is working harder than the other. They all at both resorts work very hard. It is the bartender or pool waitress and server to guest ratio. There just are so many people to help you at Pearl that you NEVER have to wait for anything. In the night club they are already pouring your drink as they see you coming. No vying for attention like at patty o's or even worse nice shoes. At the pool we were constantly asked if we needed anything. On the hot days they bring you water without even asking. Just an entirely different level of personal attention.

    Another example of personal attention... there are three butlers that take care of the penthouses and I believe premier also. Gjerry, Carlos and Ernesto rotating shifts. They stop by your lounge chairs and ask if you need anything. They ask how your bfast was, if you need anything in the room, etc. on Tuesday we asked Carlos if we could have champagne, a cheese plate and a fruit plate waiting in the room at 7pm for when we returned from a day of partying. His response...what type of fruit would you prefer? To me that is amazing that not only is he saying yes but he cares enough to be sure he gets the right type. Our next request was for him to schedule a massage for us. We were having too much fun getting to know our new chair neighbors poolside and didn't want to deal with going to the spa and showing our certificate (we received a free sensual massage as part of our upgrade) and figuring out a time. So he took care of everything for us including upgrading us to the erotic massage. A little more on that in a minute. But the point here is we began to see the value in what we paid for with Desire Pearl. The facilities and grounds were already a home run. The service we expected was now becoming a reality and even the resort was picking up a little, but just a little, Wednesday was really when the party started

    We went to the erotic massage at 12:30. I am not sure of the regular price but it was $172 for us to upgrade from the sensual that came with our package. I heard regular price is 3something but I am not 100% on that. To be honest neither of us were too keen on the idea of someone else touching our most sensitive areas. It just sounded like it would be sleazy. But everyone we talked to on site and on the forum highly recommended it so we went for it. Both of us agreed it was worth every penny. We would of paid the $3something price too. Was not sleazy at all. Was very sensual. Jen put it best...'it is like they did all the foreplay for you'. Then they move the tables together and help you get started with 'finishing the deed' however which way you prefer. In advance you indicate which body parts are off limit and whether you want them to stay once you two are joined. Basically they do everything and anything you want with their hands with the exception of finishing I assume? We wanted to do that part together so not sure if they go that far if in fact that is your thing. PM me for more detail than that if you have specific questions. Afterwards there is a hot tub with champagne and fresh fruit to enjoy.

    We wobbled back to the pool, joined our friends who proceeded to laugh at how 'relaxed' we looked. Enjoyed an afternoon of sun, drinks and good conversation. Did the usual hot tub visit at 4 something but it was the same scene as other days..maybe 10 people in the tub (that could probably fit 100) and 2-4 couples on the 5 or 6 beds around the hot tub in various phases of 'fun'. We are not much into exhibitionism or voyeurism so that stuff didn't really matter too much to us. It was discrete and off to the side so if you didn't look it was almost like it wasn't happening. And if you didn't want to see it at all then you could just skip the hot tub entirely.

    Back to the room for our daily evening sex but this time with champagne, cheese and fruit lol yummy. We met our two couple friends at Aphrodite for dinner. Very nice. Not as nice as Pearl restaurant but still top notch food quality with maybe the only thing comparing being italian at ttr (we do seem to like italian at ttr more than most though). I have a picture of the view that I will upload later. Simply amazing.

    The nightly show starts at 10:30 in the disco. We seemed to always arrive a little late but they all were entertaining. Then the dancing would start at about 11. It really feels like a REAL night club. The crowd started to turn over a little so some more people seemed to enjoy our EDM style club music. But sadly by midnight it was just us and our new friends from the pool / yahoo group dancing. Tried the jacuzzi and it was empty. So called it at about 1 with plans to seriously turn this party around on Wednesday. More about that in the Wednesday report

    Happy memorial weekend everyone. Remember that life is short and to do all you can to love it to the fullest!!!
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  7. Steve

    Steve Administrator Owner

    Feb 14, 2003
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    Thanks for the detailed report so far Kyle.

    An interesting read but have to say, so far, it reinforces the reasons why a stay at Pearl has never appealed to us.
  8. Jen&Kyle

    Jen&Kyle I can choose my own title Registered Member

    Jan 12, 2010
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    Thanks. Yeah I can see how Pearl will be a fit for some and TTR will be a fit for others. We like both for different reasons and will likely split our trip between the two in October. TTR first then Pearl.
  9. Jen&Kyle

    Jen&Kyle I can choose my own title Registered Member

    Jan 12, 2010
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    Thanks for the kind words everyone and nice PMs. Appreciate the feedback.

    Here are the pics promised of the view from the Aphrodite restaurant. I wish I had a camera and could better do the lighting as the pics don't quite do it justice for how amazing the view was of the moon over the water with the lifeguard tower.


  10. Guest

    Guest Guest

    +0 / 0
    I'm starting to be sold on this place after your last installment. I wonder if I can get the awesome service being in the bottom grade room thought without having to complain/meet with someone like you guys did?

    Great pics of Jen!
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