I think smokers get pissed because our rights have so drastically been taken away so if there is a place that allows us to smoke we want to be able to keep that right... I'm sick and tired of non smokers trying to make me feel bad. When smoking was allowed in the bars, if you didn't like it you didn't go.. simple as that.. The amount of places non smokers can go far out ways the places us smokers can go... I wish they would just stop pushing and give the smoker a break... and if you can't then don't go where smoking is allowed..
I agree with a lot of what has been stated. one law that passed lately here was no smoking in a car with minors. ok that one I think is good. sorry...... but when some b stated that smoking in a car shouldn't be legal because it might blow into her window, well that hit a nerve!! I calmly said if im at a light, and smoking, and my smoke blows into you car, and you don't like it, ROLL UP YOUR WINDOW!!!!! lets be real! a woman at work who is very overweight, was complaining about how much smokers cost insurance co. so that everyones insurance goes up. she then started to list her ailments and lists of meds. shes currently taking. my ass bitch!! you cost 50 times a month than I ever cost in 10 years!! so a lot of things that aren't healthy people do, but it is still ones own choice right or wrong. lets all just play nice! and show each other respect! vac. is fun!! and everyone should be made to feel welcome!!
I agree with you totally! Keep in mind I am a current vaper and ex-smoker. I haven't smoked in quite a while. But I believe what you say to be true. Non-smokers are now used to no smoking in bars/restaurants and now when they are around it they are more sensitive to it. I don't think smokers or non-smokers are to blame for this but I do believe it to be true. Smokers have been demonized recently for a habit that is VERY hard to break.
Some smokers are harder on themselves for smoking. I know I was..I hated smoking but was addicted and might I add that the government makes huge money off smokers and while they say don't smoke it can kill you or you can't smoke here, it's really all a mind game to keep smokers smoking. Sent from my SGH-I317M using Tapatalk
And the B.S. non smokers use about health care costs is real lame. Stats show smokers die earliar and aren't a long time drain on health care. And they pay excessive taxes for smokes that non-smokers don't pay. . .so they are more than entitled to use up medical expenses. Our fore fathers fought in 2 big ones for our right to freedom. North America prospered off tobacco long b4 the industrial revolution. And now smokers have no rights and our governments want to ignore their historical role in the evolution of smoking. The propaganda about smoking is driven by governments and they villify anyone who challenges their B.S.
Actually. . We are late baby boomers. So are U. The gov't penison plan is a pyramid/ponzi scheme. If it was a private financial institution, how it is run, would be illegal. The gov't is no different than employers are these days. They are exiting out of the 'legacy costs' obligations slowly but surely. There will be almost nothing left, if we live long enough to be able to collect. Hence the reason why gov'ts promote self serviced retirement planning. Cuz they know future politicians will have a huge problem when the entire boomer generation are seniors and the cupboard is bare. And if you managed to save a few bucks, your entitlements will be clawed back cuz you saved your money and have some, while others were not so responsible and accountable and need YOUR piece of the pension pie more than you do. We decided decades ago not to depend on state run pensions and adjusted accordingly. In fact to us, if we see any CPP it will be considered 'found money'.
Marshe did you build your bunker yourself or buy a prefabricated one? Just kidding man. Keep fighting the good fight I think this thread went full retarded some pages ago lol
Great thread, but forgot what it is about. Smoking, cameras, chair saving, Premier bashing, single guys, or some other topic?