Well, no traveling back this year. Being at TTR the whole time will make a HUGE difference--and in a good way! Tom & Lorie
Boobs Cruise booked whoo hooo . Sitting on top of my truck to get a signal in nebbraska with connie texting me to hurry. Gonna be a great time.
Hey folks, I apologize for my absenteeism as of late. As some of you know, there have been issues on the home front. Anyways, things are ramping up and June will be here in just a few days. This being said, the Google site for the June Junkies will be locked down to edits on June 1. So, if you want access and be included, go to the site, NOW, and request access! https://sites.google.com/site/ttrjunejunkies
I'm thinking so because we got an email also.... Delta 0531 Atlanta to Cancun Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk