A little rain would be a lot better then the 6+inches of Snow that was on my Car at 5am this morning and it was still coming down. It will be just fine don't sweat the small stuff just remember it is Warm, Warm and Warm... See you down there Debbie
Some of our friends just tried to book a room from the 22 to 28th and the resort is sold out. Wow could be super crazy. Might be harder to find our new friends on here than I thought
Good thing I got the orange bracelets today. Everyone needs to wear them on their drinking hand so when you cheer it can be seen. LOL
Just picking up the last few provisions. With the resort being sold out while we are there we hope we have enough to go around.
Dear god I can't imagine actually having snow now. Colorado is beautuful no doubt about that but I could only take so much snow and cold
It is beautiful but Damn its May!! :ranting1:We are done with it and ready for Cancun!! See you there...:huepfen021: Debbie
Wow, it's in the low to mid 90's here in the northern Sacramento valley. I can't imagine still getting snow.