Easy to see coming. Sarah sold her soul to the deception and when called on it she did not respond on the Facebook page. I do not blame her and she will be welcomed anywhere. The company line was difficult to stay true to. Here is to another great vacation somewhere. This site should be dedicated to TTR alternatives. Maybe instead of GOV, the next great place in Cancun. Yes, TTR prices will keep going up. GOV was never dedicated to any theme, just a way to make money. When this thread began I suggested that they were messed up and I was told that young progressive people were in charge and be patient. Some famous person of TTR a and Boobs Cruise infamy called this in April. We had a great time in early April because of the friends, not the resort. I hope Triple knot tied from Denver joins our next vacation. Best of luck to the few hard working employees. The rest deserve what they got. See ya'all somewhere next year.
We were going to stay just 2 nights before going to TTR to check it out but cancelled today and booked our entire stay at TTR. Have to say I am a bit disappointed and not sure they gave it enough time to work out the "kinks". The competition for TTR was good....at least while it lasted. Looking forward to our November trip with the rest of the Sexy Sinaholics.
We love to travel and gamble, but since this isn't Las Vegas we have decided on a sure thing. We wish we could trust GOV to live up to their Desire to compete with TTR on many levels, but there is no guarantee to the commitment since they will be switching to a family oriented resort in a matter of months. I hope they go out with a bang for those going, but we switched to TTR. Yes it is going to cost us more, but we feel we will not be gambling on an experience. We haven't been to TTR, but it's sounds like more of a sure thing based upon all the pics, posts, and reviews. Here is to seeing as many butts at the pool and cruise as the "but's" you read in this post. We will be notifying Trina to take us off the GOV June roll call. Bummer!:cry:
We will be arriving at GOV tomorrow and will surely have a great time! Can't wait to feel the sand in our toes. Snowing hard in Montana right now . . .