Anyone looking for a friendly smoker....I will be the guy in Cowboy Hat setting at the pool all by myself smoking.......:-(
I wonder if when they built the resort and all the fun at the bar and pool if they knew that one day they would have to tell all the smokers to go somewhere else, because drinking, smoking and partying is no longer socially exceptable....maybe they should replace the bar with a church....nobody ever smokes in there.....
ok day 3! not doing that bad. puffed my e-cig a little this morning. not the same, but will keep the hands busy. really need to just get through the first week then its not bad at all. been reading through all of these posts. do I think people should be considerate while smoking, yes. 2nd hand alcohol does kill! ect. ect. ect. it all just boils down to we all have a right to live, vac., dress, talk, ect. how we feel. but respect for others is the key to getting along. I don't think smokers need to be banished to the ends of the resort when smoking, a simple slide away from a group of non smokers isn't asking to much. and if people are smoking and non smokers walk up and don't like it, well move away. its really simple.
funny thing is I am only a weed smoker, and the few cigs i did smoke at TTR were far away from anyone.