glad we're booked for TTR for Halloween already and with that news will be booking next Feb a lot next week sooner
we saw Sarah-69 at GOV this year she had nothing good to say about TTR and their guest. He activities were terrible, she was able to float at Temptation but honestly anybody at TTR beats her hands down. Anybody who will bring chino will have a winning game.
I'd have to disagree, I think Sara was the best Ents member at Temptation during her stint there. She can be a little outspoken and forthright in her views but at least she has genuine talent, unlike many of the others who do/did not in my opinion. Some of them sound like they are reading from a book. Chinos is unlikely to take any job that requires 6 times more hours for a quarter of the pay, and be restricted in what he can and cannot do by his bosses.
I would have assumed that GOVs current owners would have given the adults only concept at least a year. Hindsight is always 20/20, but the really terrible reviews for its first 3-4 months certainly didn't help the situation. GOV was a really great "bang for you buck" !!! Just one less resort on our list. Paradise Valley in North Ga is starting to look very good again. Suppose we could revisit Hedo II, but then I would need to find a new wife also.
Thanks for the info, Steve! I had some friends booked down there for July. I was interested to hear about their experience (the one couple had been to TTR before). I sent them he links to the articles, and they are now talking to their travel agents about switching. It appears the agents are just now getting word about the sale. They're looking at TTR, but that's all going to depend on cost and availability, of course. Makes me extra glad our schedule didn't allow us to join them, or we'd be in the same boat!
New post on Trip Advisors Cancun forum in which the President of AM Resorts makes the announcement !!! Guess its an official DONE DEAL !!!
Wow, do I feel like we dodged a bullet! We were supposed to be at GOV the end of June, and just switched our reservation to TTR a couple weeks ago. It makes me sad--I would think there would be enough fun, open-minded adults in the world to make two "spicy" resorts profitable, but I guess we really are a minority.
No dodging here. Only 10 days can't book TTR for this time frame, sold out on both weekends we will be in Cancun. We will make the best of it. Still way better than work.