NOOOOOOOOO....... Ten days to go and I have woken up with man flu. :icon_cry: I need to shift this bugger fast. Any tips ,remedies, old wives tales or cures passed down from generation to generation would be greatly appreciated .:icon_razz: Lets hope I don't pass it on to Mrs F. Leeroy xx
Well that sucks! I hope you get better before you go. Hopefully 10 days is enough to recover, but your other half could have a high chance of catching it too (you're contagious before you even know you're sick and up to 10 days afterwards!). Avoid contaminating your partner by washing down surfaces, using tissues for sneezes etc, just the basics really. I can suggest a few things to get over it, but they're my own opinion and hold no medical basis before anyone pipes up that I don't know what I'm talking about (I don't, they're just suggestions!). I would say bed rest is the best if you can spare the time. Sleeping helps the body recover. I've also heard that taking cold/flu medication can actually delay recovery, as it lowers your temperature, and your body needs to increase your temperature to make it an inhospitable environment for the virus. A biggie for me is keeping stress levels down. I caught flu in the middle of a stressful project a few years ago, and still had the flu 3 weeks later. If you're still sick by the time you go away, then take medications with you to keep symptoms away. They're bound to be more expensive in Mexico. I've found that if I have a late night or I'm out drinking when I have a cold it makes it feel worse, so I guess taking it easy first few days couldn't hurt. I was once prescribed an over the counter antihistamine nasal spray that reduces nose swelling, irritation and dripping that was the best advice I've been given for managing symptoms.
Oh no!!! Get better!!! If your stomach can handle it, try to eat lots (literally like 10 a day) of oranges. But if it's stomach flu, that probably won't work Hope you are better in time!
I am not the CDC but :icon_eek::icon_eek:Tamaflu and a mask so you do not infect others.If you are positive for influenza you are contagious for 7-10 days.Rest rest and more rest.It has to run its course we are seeing a lot of Influenza B around Mass.
Haha , I don't think I'm that bad, I think its just a common cold but you know how us men suffer far more than women . I heard Guinness is good for you :ernaehrung005: Leeroy x
Yes mass dose of zinc and C followed by a few(several) drinks and hot tub if you got one. Burn it out if it is just a cold.
First time we've ever heard the term "man flu". In English (American English preferably) please. Jeff n Jill
Make a tea with one tsp cinnamon and one tbsp honey in a cup of hot water. It helps ur sinuses and will make you feel better. Hope you are better before ur trip ! See you there !!!