Hello everyone, I am new to this website. I have recently learned about temptations resort. I have read a few posts on this website about various pool games. I am curious if you have to be in good shape to do iron man? Also, can you do iron man in your shorts? Can you win iron man if you keep on your shorts?
you have to be in decent shape but its not like youre doing a tough mudder or spartan race or anything. why couldnt you win it if you kept your shorts on??? AND, why wouldnt you take your shorts off if it meant you would win???
Okay, we just got back and I have to tell you my other half did the Iron woman...understand, we had neve been there before and we thought, swiming, pushups, situps with a little sexyness....lol. Well, my other half is 44 and her two contestants were early 20s...But Vanessa is very competative....you get 45 seconds if you go naked....So, off came the bikini bottoms....she had to get on a surfboard and paddle about 40 feet....as a woman, no real woman like way to do that, and she didn't care, then had to drink a soda from the 69 position on a guy..swim under two guys spreading there legs and then pump up a ballon with her ass... Understand, you don't do this contest because you think it is a ironman contest you do the contest because you want to have FUN.......Vanessa had a fantastic time and volunteered for a couple other things......bottom line, volunteer and just have fun.
Need to be in Good Shape to win at Iron Man? No. Need to be able to make fun of yourself and laugh along with people laughing at you? Yes. It's a great time! Naked gets time off the course is the thing.
The crowd decides the winner - while the entertainment staff talk about points & seconds and have a stop watch it's not a true time-kept event. It's about who the crowd & entertainment staff like - because after all, its about the who entertains the crowd the most.
Thank you so much....I definately had fun and would do it again.....have to admit, I got talked into doing the jello wrestling the last day and it was the most fun I have had......gave a way a few close up coochy shots, but it was well worth the fun.....until next time and thank you again. Vanessa
For those that weren't there can we get some clarification on that portion of the contest please? :icon_eek: