Lol That's hilarious. I'm at Starbucks and had a hard time not spitting out my Americano... From a couple of her posts I thought she might not be able to make it due to her mom and storms in the South, etc. That would be a shame with how excited she was.. I appreciate her enthusiasm, the place is my solace and I can't wait to get there either. I've been checking in on the threads almost every day while I'm doing online school ; and I don't want to make fun but- AINT NO BODY GOT TIME FO DAT' ! :icon_mrgreen:
I was thinking the same thing, she has been showing all of the symptoms! The more excited you are, the more susceptible you are to falling victim to the "curse"!
I was thinking it might be a tad bit quieter the next few days lol I bet she is having a blast. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
We figured she would be the first person in the history of CCC to post 1,000 times prior to ever stepping foot at the resort - It's rather peaceful.
Almost hit 870 posts in a little over 3 months- that's almost 10 POSTS a day... Gotta be some kind of a record.