Thomas, you know when Dawn looks at this post she is going to get you for even mentioning that!!!! lol Curtis
The 18th or 19th look like good days for Isla Mujeres now that the Boobs Cruise dates are posted No themes planned at the pool those days either.
Hi everyone! New to June Junkies but not TTR-we are members. Last year went in April this year decided June is the kick ass group! Going June 10-17 Kim & Danny
So did the foam party stay on Thursday afternoons? I have looked everywhere for AIWC.... none around here. I asked my liquor rep at the bar/restaurant where I do accounting and she said she will find out for sure but thinks it has been discontinued
We would open to meet up the group if its on the 18th. We won't be at TTR anymore but we will still be in the area and we wanted to make it out to the island one day.