Express Check in done!!! Two weeks and us two girls will be reeking havoc amongst yous! So glad I found this forum and in turn about Express check in, thanks all!!!
Thanks Ice cube, will call if we need any help at all. You guys are so super generous on this site!! Hoping the wine thats just been opened will help the judging!
5 sleeps! Need to get my ass in the backyard to tan but my "buzz kill" son is home and he will surely police me so I won't be able to tan without my top lol And then he'll make some wise crack about the "inappropriate" place we're going to. Yet, I'm fairly sure he's going to end up a, not sure how that all fits together.
I think the Gods are with me on needing a vacation.... I shit you not... in the Daytona Beach Shores Hometown News they run a weekly horoscope.. This weeks, which starts 4/25 (Friday to Friday) for Capricorn reads.... "Capricorn, you are ready for a well-deserved vacation or retreat. But you cannot run away from your responsibilities this week. Just hold out a little longer." In terms of this time span, I will be starting my vacation at the end of next week - "just a little longer"! I think I'm getting ready! Jamie