wish that helped lol the first Boobs Cruise was the most miserable experience I've ever had.. spent the entire time (HOURS) on the back of the boat throwing up nonstop crying to get me off the damn boat.. lol Last year I had the patches and I actually got to enjoy it a bit.. lol hoping this year is even better..
we had a girlfriend exactly like that on our first cruise years ago. she was so sick she passed out on one of the benches on the rear of the boat. we surrounded her with a bunch of alcohol bottles and got some pretty fun pics!:bandit: I (Bill) was hung over REALLY BAD on our 3rd or 4th cruise. I found that going on the roof, closest to the center of the boat helped me the most. Laid down for about 20 mins then it was party on!!!:ladiesman1:
The wife HATES boats due to her motion sickness. Last year talked her into getting the prescription for the patches so that we could go on the Boobs Cruise while we were at TTR last October. We have to say the patch worked wonders although she did have a little moment when the boat was drifting where she felt a little uneasy.. One of the crew took some cold water and put it over her head and it was party on! The motion sickness went away along with the rest of her clothes...
There is a good chance someone will drink too much the night before and miss the boat. I wouldn't worry too much :wink3:
OK. It's a plot. Nobody wanted to hear me sign Paradise City, or Shots, again. So, you all combined to buy up all the seats on the May 25 Boobs Cruise literally in the ONE DAMN DAY the thing was open for reservations. I am crushed. Stacia is laughing at me. Y'all have fun!
Maybe so...we saw that happen last year. We're staying at GOV so if Steve cruises by I am fairly certain R will wade out nekkid to get us on. Otherwise, it's just kinky pirate cruise for us. aargh.
Dang...we missed it. I was waiting for my wife to confirm and she thought I had already booked it. FAIL. :doh: