OK.. latest update done! We're up to 684 of our closest friends joining our party this year. Sorry for the delay in additions.. between work, work travel, and being sick, it hasn't been a fun couple of days but hopefully things are on the way backup! Jamie
I am blaming all of you sexy, fun-loving, adventurous, :flash:EXTREMELY DISTRACTING:flash: people for my less than stellar grade on my advanced pathophys test!!! I am now having to impose time limits on my CCC perusing :cry:, to ensure I will not have to work on school while at TTR. But reading this textbook instead of reading CCC makes me feel like :aktion060: . Can't wait for party time :lotsofmichaelfs: C'mon May 8th!!!!!
hi there jamie yes will be coming be with mike and friends..its a group of 12 fun respectable gents,which some have been before to TTR.. me im a TTR virgin,they say you never forget your first..so heres to meeting cool party fun people...:icon_biggrin:
7 days from today I will be at the airport waiting to board a plane to my happy place. Yeah its Almost here. everything bought going to start packing. finally!!!!!
If my legs aren't as sexy as I'd like, I also blame CCC. lol I end up on here instead of heading right to the gym and then have to cut my workouts short to fit in the rest of my day!!! I did manage to stay off yesterday and got a decent morning workout with heavy lunges before going and subbing middle schoolers, with no voice. OMG! 8 days left!! Awesome news!! Bad news - NOW I have a cough!! WTF!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am almost NEVER SICK!!!!! HOW IS THIS HAPPENING???????????? Off to OD on Emergen-C!! And I guess I'll buy oranges later - except that those are anti my slim body/legs plan!! DAMN IT ALL!