We have found that wearing a cap, hat or tshirt with something from your hometown and/or hobby works very well. I have a "Streamliners of Atlanta" T shirt for at least ten years that always gets someones response. Train buffs and/or folks who want to know if we speak English in Atlanta. (they never understood what Y'all means).
We totally have the same sentiment as you guys. We are not introverts at all but realize we will be possible part of a younger age range (late 20's) and we are not sure if that will be off putting to other vacationers. We truly believe age is nothing but a number and hope everyone will share our sentiment!!!! We are just looking to really meet new friends and party hard!!!!!:mnm:
You guys will have nothing to worry about!! Age is definitely just a number and being younger is never an issue - issues may arise with those that may not know how to hold their liquor; resulting in obnoxious behaviour and not respecting specific boundaries etc., but in our experience - this can be seen in a variety of age groups. So, not to worry - you will be just fine and we hope you have a fantastic vacation guys!! :icon_lol: Cheers, C
Oops mines say lead me into Temptation...free hugs..good girls go to heaven bad girls go to cancun...is that a bit leading?
You can try.. But now that I have completed my Monk training and vow's...I will no longer be the "Nice Shoes" Rep. Staying in my "shell" :angel1:
I vacillate between thinking I’m an introvert or extrovert; I really have tendencies toward both. This trip, though, I think I'm going to be identifying with the introverts a bit more because I'm pregnant! I'm still intent on having a damn good time, but obviously will not be drinking and might not be as outgoing as I might otherwise be. So if there's a kinda quiet pregnant gal on the sidelines at some of the events, it's me! - Beth (TTR 1st timer: 5/10-5/18!)