Definitely CCC is a great way to make early contacts. We had arranged to meet several fellow newbies on our first trip. One thing I would add is to find a couple arriving about the same time as you. Plan to have dinner with them the first night. Maybe get a couple meals set up before you ever get there.
Alcohol definitely helps! We suck at small talk too, but get enough alcohol in me and I'm super chatty. Also, make sure to have some alone time to recharge. There are a lot of quiet places to go like the beach or the quiet pool. Being around that many people for that long really wears an introvert out!
Yes all above is very agreeable comments, we r the same way more the mrs than mr, when we start to worm up to everyone it's time to go home, now we say make it 10 days and gave great time, make lot's of cool & sexy friends, that's what the TTR is all about.
I am an introvert, but mentally prepare myself for TTR. I try to smile at everyone and it eases some of the pressure off of having to initiate small talk. I also bring 300 glow sticks and hand them out for glow night. Helps you make fast friends. no need to even say anything, just hand out the sticks or put them on people. I always take some solo time in the afternoon for a recharge. I am almost always socially exhausted upon my return home, but it is worth it. CCC is a great way to meet people and also those on the boards that are extroverted will usually approach you. Have fun and just enjoy yourself. TTR is a great place for introverts and extroverts. Your experience is your own, but if you know what you want going in mental prep is always what works for me. -Shawna
I'm an introvert also but tell my friends that and they'll just laugh. But friends are different, you know them, you know when not to cross the line, and what you can have fun with. Like you Shawna, I'm preparing myself mentally also. I intend on going and having a helluva good time. *lol*
We along with all of our friends are also very introverted and shy:aktion025::aktion025:, just kidding. Nearly everyone we have ever met at TTR has been awesome, you won't have to feel any pressure to lead a conversation. Just join in and smile. Very nonjudgmental atmosphere and nobody knows you. Just do what you are comfortable with, you will have a blast!!
If you got naked at the Sexy Pool during one of the games, I'd guess, then you should have no problem being at least involved in a conversation with other folks.... but that's my analysis, not being helpful. Hmm, the Internet helps, start by reaching out to people on here who are going to be going at the same time as you, and see if you can drum up a few internet acquaintances so that you have a "group" in place even before you go. Easy to get friends on CCC by saying, you might remember, my wife was the tall brunette (or whatever she is/was) that got naked and did the Combat Co-ed Nude Bellyflop and beer chug competition and came in second to the Russian guy... You'll have no problem getting people to want to know more, trust me.